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Showing all 8 results
110cm x 80cm (Large) Beach scene | Foreground 3 people and model boat | Background 3 sailing boats | 1 beach belle.
110cm x 80cm (Large) Beach scene | Foreground 4 people and model boat | Background 2 sailing boats.
110cm x 80cm (Large) Beach scene | Foreground 6 people | Background 1 beach belle.
90cm x 70cm (Medium) Beach scene | Foreground collection of people | Background 2 sailing boats | 2 beach belles.
80cm x 60cm (Medium) Beach scene | Foreground 2 people and model boat | Background 3 sailing boats.
60cm x 40cm (Small) Beach scene | Foreground 2 people | Background 2 Bathing belles.
View his paintings here: /fontanarosa
View his paintings here: /roland-oudot